5 Top Modern Landscaping Products That Are Changing the Game!
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Feeling bored with your backyard and looking to switch it up?
Sick of using products that simply aren’t effective?
Want to boost your eco credentials with a set of sustainable solutions for your garden?
Gardening is one of the best hobbies to participate in (even if we are biased!), and it’s even good for your mental health.
But without the right products, your backyard can grow from hero to zero a little too quickly.
If you’re one of the 72 million US citizens who garden, we’ve got good news for you. We’ve compiled a list of modern landscaping game-changers that will save you time while helping you create a more attractive, sustainable garden.
Read on to find out a little more about our top picks.
Dirt Locker®
Okay, so it wouldn’t be fair if we didn’t toot our own horn a little, right?!
Here at Dirt Locker®, we’re proud of the erosion control system we’ve created, which saves water, prevents erosion, and protects plants, all while being created right here in the US using recycled plastic.
Designed especially for use in hillside gardens, the Dirt Locker® system also creates a series of steps to allow for safe hillside access.
There’s simply no product on the market that performs multiple plant-protecting tasks so well - even if we do say so ourselves!
Sunday Lawn Care Subscriptions
Have you ever wished you could receive products specially tailored to your lawn delivered directly to your front door? Wish no more with Sunday lawn care subscriptions.
We’ve cheated a little with this one because it’s not a product as such but a service, but Sunday is definitely worth mentioning as one of the most innovative subscription boxes on the market.
You receive a free soil analysis from the soil sample you send off, which Sunday’s people then use to create a custom subscription containing landscaping products that arrive at your door throughout the season.
Plus, you’ll get one-on-one support from a real human, as well as the option to update or cancel at any time.
Rachio Smart Sprinkler Controller
Each American uses an average of 82 gallons of water per day at home. Multiply that amount by the number of Americans, and you’ll realize that a scary volume of water being used each year, and a considerable amount of it goes into keeping our gardens lush and green.
While adequate water is a crucial component of lawn maintenance, using too much water can be detrimental to the environment, not to mention unnecessary for your garden.
By using a smart sprinkler controller, you can make sure you only ever use as much water as you need and not a drop more. This model by Rachio allows you to either set your own schedules or create automation rules that tell the controller to switch your sprinkler on or off based on set criteria.
Pine Tree Tools Gardening Gloves
Gardening gloves? Revolutionary? We know it might sound hard to believe that any set of gardening gloves could truly be a game changer, but we’re loving Pine Tree Tool’s offering.
Landscaping and gardening require you to (literally) get your hands dirty, which can result in cuts and scrapes that run the risk of being infected. That’s why gardening gloves are a must-have.
Made with breathable bamboo, which keeps your hands cool (and is also, by chance, super eco-friendly), these gardening gloves fit like a second skin, and they’re actually touch-screen friendly, too.
That’s right, no more having to take off your gardening gloves mid-weeding session to reply to a text message. Despite being able to use them for texting, they’re still thick enough to avoid any dirt entering your hands or any wounds occurring - so you can trim that prickly rose bush with peace of mind.
Solar Powered Landscape Lighting
Keeping your driveway or lawn well-lit is a must, especially during the winter months when the sun sets way before bedtime.
But here’s the thing. Running lights for hours on end uses a ton of electricity, and can send your energy bills through the roof. The solution? Solar-powered lights.
This set of SOLPLEX landscaping lights is waterproof and illuminates for approximately 8-10 hours after being charged for just 4-6 hours. They automatically turn on in darkness and off during the daytime, so you don’t have to manually adjust the settings every time it gets dark.
Not to mention, they’re flush to the ground, so there’s no risk of you tripping on them or your neighbor’s dog leash getting tangled in them.
If you’re looking to level up your garden, these products will help. To find out more about the magic of Dirt Locker® and what it can do for your garden, visit our site or get in touch. We’re happy to chat with you about our solution, and our team is super friendly.
Plus, we’re kinda experts on all things gardening, so if you want to chat with fellow soil nerds, you’re definitely in the right place.
The Dirt Locker® is a hillside terracing and erosion control system made in the USA from 100% recycled HDPE plastic. Together, the Dirt Lockers® and your plants become a cohesive stabilizing force, protecting your entire hillside from nature’s destructive elements. As your plants increase their root structure, the hillside will increase in strength and beauty! For more information, please visit our website or contact us today! 833-MYSLOPE
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We partner with Eden Reforestation Projects to plant 6 trees for every 10 Dirt Lockers® sold!