hillside landscaping at the Bridge Eco-village in harrisburg
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The team at Dirt Locker® is passionate about eco-friendly gardening and community building, so it was an organic collaboration to team up with Garry Gilliam, the Bridge Foundation, and City F.A.R.M.S. Watch the video and read the article to learn about this awesome collaboration!
The Bridge Foundation is a crew of awesome people who turn unused buildings into community gardens so that local neighbors can feast on delicious, healthy snacks. They make sure communities have food security, access to healthcare, affordable housing, and most importantly - education. When we heard about their initiative at the Bridge Eco-Village in Harrisburg, we knew there had to be a creative way to collaborate.
They turn food deserts into food oases. They saw a vision when looking at a football field with bleachers on a dirt hill - “what if we turned the hillside into an abundant garden so the local communities can have healthy vegetables, fruits, and herbs?”
That’s when they when online and found our Dirt Locker® hillside terracing system. We align with their mission, so we donated our time and resources to help make their hillside garden come to life! They originally thought their steep slope was a lost cause because it was almost 40 degrees, but we were able to execute the project in just 2 days.
Their south-facing hillside garden gets tons of natural sunlight which is fabulous for plant growth. Now they plan to grow over 6,000 pounds of fresh vegetables, fruits, and herbs every year! It’s amazing what a neighborhood can do when they come together with a passion for organic farming, community building, and some fun in the sun. Working on this project was an absolute pleasure and we are so grateful that Garry Gilliam Jr. is making an impact on his community via the Bridge Foundation.

How you can make a positive impact on the Bridge Foundation
Check out their awesome clothes and merch on their online store
Apply to be a volunteer for their upcoming projects
Send them a message and thank them for their positive contributions

The Dirt Locker® is a hillside terracing and erosion control system made in the USA from 100% recycled HDPE plastic. Together, the Dirt Lockers® and your plants become a cohesive stabilizing force, protecting your entire hillside from nature’s destructive elements. As your plants increase their root structure, the hillside will increase in strength and beauty! For more information, please visit our website or contact us today!
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We partner with Eden Reforestation Projects to plant 6 trees for every 10 Dirt Lockers® sold!